About Us

We are Matt and Robyn. We are a family of three with our precious daughter– Miya. The mission of our blog is two-fold. It is, first and foremost, a love letter to Miya— a collection of memories and documentation of our travels together and life abroad as a family. Second, we want to create a resource for families who wish to raise their children “unconventionally” on the road.

We believe that Miya can and should be exposed to the diversity of the world around her from a very young age - that means every corner of the world. We hope to share what we discover with other parents who feel the same way. While not travelling, we call both Mexico City and Vancouver home. A little more about us can be found below --

Robyn is a freelance writer and journalist. She has covered stories of tragedy and hope from Afghanistan to Ukraine and travel and culture pieces from Mexico to Saudi Arabia. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, VICE, and National Geographic, among others.

Matt is a photojournalist and expedition leader. He has worked on visual documentation projects worldwide, from hockey rinks in North Korea to winter military exercises in the Canadian Arctic to the underwater world of calving humpback whales. His work has been published in The New York Times, National Geographic, The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, VICE, and other publications.

Miya is the namesake of this blog. She was conceived in Greece and born in the summer of 2022 in Mexico City. She is her parents’ joy and light in life. She enjoys nature walks, cuddles, and staring at high ceilings. As her parents, we vowed not to give her a conventional upbringing. Instead, we want her to experience the depths of this world, both good and bad. She is a triple citizen of Mexico, Canada, and the United States. In and out of the womb, she has travelled to over 25 countries, including four war zones (Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Ukraine— twice).